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Meet the North Carolina Team Behind Appalachian Golf Cars

Welcome to Appalachian Golf Cars, where our passion for golf cars drives us to deliver excellence in every vehicle and service we offer. Since our inception in 1993, we’ve not only been an authorized dealer for Club Car® but also a family that’s grown right alongside our community in Sapphire, NC. Our journey is fueled by a passion for golf, a commitment to quality, and a love for the community we serve.

XRT 1550

A Legacy of Leadership and Love for Golf

Founded on the dreams of Clark and Mary Lou Hickock, Appalachian Golf Cars was their retirement leap — a venture born from a profound love for golf and the scenic beauty of North Carolina. With roots deep in the heart of Texas and a lifetime of corporate and educational excellence, they chose the beautiful state of North Carolina to embark on a new adventure in the golf industry. Today, under the vigilant leadership of their son Jason and his family, the legacy of dedication and service continues, with every member of the Hickock family contributing to our mission.

Carryall golf car

Our Commitment to Quality and Service

As one of North Carolina’s top-ranked authorized dealers for Club Car®, we pride ourselves on offering a wide range of golf, utility, and transportation vehicles known for their efficiency and value. Our selection caters to golfers, businesses, and families alike, with over 40 base models to suit any need. Our roots run deep in the golfing community, with connections that span across Texas, North Carolina, California, and Montana. Whether you’re a casual golfer, a business needing fleet services, or someone looking for a leisure vehicle, our experience ensures you receive unrivaled service.

Dedicated Team, Unmatched Service

Choosing Appalachian Golf Cars means more than just purchasing a vehicle. It means becoming part of a family that values integrity, quality, and community. Their expertise and dedication ensure that every customer receives the best service possible, whether they’re purchasing a new golf car or needing a repair. We invite you to visit our showroom in Sapphire, NC, and meet the team that makes Appalachian Golf Cars the go-to destination for Club Car® enthusiasts. Enjoy a cup of coffee on us and experience firsthand the warm, welcoming atmosphere that has made us a pillar of the community.

Find Your Perfect Golf Car Today