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Schedule Your North Carolina Golf Car Service With Ease at Appalachian Golf Cars

At Appalachian Golf Cars, we understand the importance of reliability and convenience. Our easy scheduling process ensures your golf car gets the service it needs without disrupting your routine. Our team of professional, friendly, factory-trained personnel is equipped with the latest diagnostic equipment and fully-equipped vans to ensure your golf car receives the best care possible. Whether you need routine maintenance or more complex repairs, we stand behind our work with a commitment to excellence. With comprehensive training and a friendly approach, we ensure that your service experience is as pleasant and efficient as possible.

two golf carts on golf course

Seamless Service Scheduling

Scheduling your service has never been easier. With our dedicated service ticket system, simply provide your details and the nature of your issue, and we’ll reach out to you with a timely appointment. Space is limited, so we encourage early booking to secure your preferred time slot. Our scheduling is designed to fit your life, ensuring minimal disruption and maximum efficiency. Our services extend beyond the basics to cover all your needs, including complete service for gas and electric cars, repair services, complete cleaning and detailing, storage, and estimates for more complex jobs. Trust us to keep your golf car in top condition year-round.

Stand Behind Our Work

We pride ourselves on the quality of our service. With professional, friendly, factory-trained personnel and the latest diagnostic equipment, we guarantee satisfaction with every job we undertake. Our vans are fully equipped to handle a wide range of service needs right at your location, while our use of the latest diagnostic tools ensures quick and accurate problem-solving. From all over North Carolina and everywhere in between, check our schedule to find the most convenient time and place for your service needs.

Schedule Service

Sapphire, Lake Toxaway, Cherokee*, Sequoia* Mountain Air*

The Reserve*, Sapphire Valley, Cashiers Area, Hendersonville, Etowah/Brevard, Mills River

Highlands, Glenville/Cullowhee, Scaly Mtn, Sylva, Franklin*, Whittier*, Mill Creek, Smokey Mtn*

Wildcat, Cullasaja, Maggie Valley, Waynesville, Lake Junaluska, Canton, Asheville Area

Sapphire, Lake Toxaway

*These days are scheduled on a case by case basis

Please use our service ticket option to schedule your appointment as space is limited! Provide detailed information as to what your issues are and we will reach out to you soon.

Find Your Perfect Golf Car Today