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Discover Your Perfect Used Golf Car in North Carolina Today!

At Appalachian Golf Cars, we believe that quality and performance should be accessible at every price point. That’s why our selection of used golf cars offers the perfect blend of affordability and reliability. Whether you’re seeking a vehicle for the golf course, your business, or leisurely rides around the neighborhood, our used and reconditioned golf cars offer an affordable way to achieve your mobility goals without compromising on performance or aesthetics. Each vehicle in our collection has been meticulously reconditioned to meet our high standards, ensuring you enjoy a like-new experience without the new price tag. Explore our range of used and reconditioned golf cars and find your ideal ride today.

used golf cars

Certified Quality, Outstanding Value

Our professional reconditioning program transforms late-model used Club Cars into vehicles that look and drive like new. Choose from basic used, reconditioned used, or rebuilt used options, each with its own set of enhancements. From new batteries and windshields to custom seat bottoms and speed settings, our reconditioned golf cars deliver both quality and customization. Our goal is to provide you with a vehicle that feels like new, at a fraction of the cost.

Benefits of Buying a Used Golf Car

Purchasing a used golf car is a smart choice for savvy buyers looking for value without compromise. Not only do our used golf cars come at a more accessible price point, but they also offer the same customization options as new models. Our rigorous selection and refurbishment process ensures that every vehicle looks impeccable and runs smoothly, giving you peace of mind and a great driving experience. Whether for work, play, or something in between, our used golf cars provide optimal condition and performance, backed by our commitment to your satisfaction.

Your Dream Golf Car Awaits

Our inventory of used and reconditioned golf cars is constantly changing, featuring a variety of models to suit every need and budget. From two-passenger models perfect for quick trips around the course, to larger vehicles equipped for transporting groups or gear, our selection changes regularly. Don’t miss the opportunity to own a high-quality golf car at a fraction of the cost. Contact us to discover the latest additions to our pre-loved collection and find the golf car that’s been waiting for you.

Find Your Perfect Golf Car Today